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were hooking up a stripper

In this weeks bangbus update were out doing what we love to do with this beautiful Miami weather and as usual we get the rude out of towners but we always find a willing soul for us to devour. Today we hit the jackpot of all jackpots we snag a stripper ofcourse I had to promise her many things like money A better strip club for her to her dancing at and not for nothing but this girl was a cutie and she was from texas so she had the whole twang on lock. So inside the bus I tell her that she needs to show how she gets down in order for me to get her this big gig with my cousin and right away this girl was doing her thing with the homie mirko lol this girl totally fell for everything that we were throwing at her then ofcourse the cock came out and she couldnt hold back and went in on it! This girl did have some moves and her backside was jumping like crazy if you know what I mean! All in all it sure feels good to do for others lmao,Stay tuned!

  • 00:53:24
  • Jan 31, 2012
  • 321


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