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shopping pay pig for emma starletto - jerk off instructions

Emma knows you want to jerk off while you watch her, but don’t get too excited. She has some things that she wants and you are going to do as she asks. First, she wants you to watch her play with her tits. She tells you to take your dick out and what you have is not to her liking. Just use two of your fingers on your tiny dick. She really wants to go shopping soon, and you are just the one to help her with this. Emma turns around and lets you look at her round ass, full well knowing that you will never get to see something like that in real life. She directs your jerk off session and you know you must follow her every word if you want to make her happy. You would give her all of your money and become her money slave and pay pig if she asked you to.

  • 00:06:53
  • Jun 04, 2024
  • 39


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