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happy birthday happy ending for my stepdaddy (with emma evins) - joi

Emma bounces into your room to give you a birthday card. She is your step daughter and she is thankful that you are in her life. Although she does not have much money to buy you a gift, she has something more special in mind for you. Unzip your pants. You are getting very excited, Emma observes, and she asks you to stroke your cock. She is finally of legal age, so you go along with it. She initiated this, after all, so she is clearly consenting. Emma has a petite body and sweet little tits and she is not shy in showing her affection for you. Her super-hairy pussy and hairy armpits are a surprise to you, but you find yourself turned on by them. You imagine that her scent must linger in her hairs. You also notice the family resemblance in your wife s and stepdaughter s pussies just before you bust your nutt. Lovely Emma even volunteers to clean up your messy spunk.

  • 00:06:58
  • Jun 02, 2024
  • 23


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