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milf maid - the anal feather duster

Hi, I m 43-yr-old Sammi Starfish, your favorite real life milf wife and taboo role player. In this movie I work for a maid service and respond to a call to clean a house. I tease all over the house in my g-string, maid outfit, and stockings bending over to clean all the low surfaces. But then the home owner leaves me alone to go to the store. So I decided to masturbate and get caught fooling around on the clock. I beg him not to tell my boss or I ll get fired. Fortunately we were able to work out a deal that involves me taking his cock down my throat and being fucked all kinds of ways. Since he is afraid I ll steal something while cleaning he cuffs my hands behind my back.
Without the use of my arms I have no choice but to shove the feather duster up my ass and use my asshole to continue dusting the house. So kinky and so much fun to film. It was hard keeping that duster in my asshole, I had to squeeze it tight. You ll see!

  • 00:29:29
  • Feb 19, 2024
  • 59


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