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double fun at the bang bus

Hey what s up guys? it s me Preston with another episode of the Bang Bus. This time, it is a reverse Bang Bus with the sexy pornstars Jayden Jaymes and Phoenix Marie. I took them both for a ride in the bus to pick up some guys, and to have some fun with them. But before that, Jayden and Phoenix washed the Bang Bus in two very hot bikinis. These two girls were getting very horny while washing the bus. I think it was the water that got them so horny. So then we went out for the usual ride, and Phoenix Marie and Jayden Jaymes just got crazy picking up guys. They first picked up these two dudes, but their mouth were bigger than their penis. They said that they had an 8 inch penis, and they didn t even get a hard on. So we threw them out of the bus. Then, Jayden and Phoenix picked up this Asian guy who jumped into the bus without thinking, and he fucked the two girls so good, that the girls were very surprised with the little Asian dude. So check it out, because the Bang Bus got two of the hottest girls in the industry.

  • 00:00:00
  • Jun 24, 2008
  • 491


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