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charlie james awesome lunch special

So this week I was out with my young apprentice Connor, showing him how to play some volleyball when I spiked the ball out of his reach, and it landed next to a real cutie named Charlie. Charlie was on her lunch break. She wanted to enjoy the beautiful weather while she ate her food. Apparently Charlie has been eating outside for most of the week. Connor and me were doing our Volleyball training. She has been checking Connor out, so I made a bet with him that he couldn t pick her up to save his life. Well, young Connor proved me wrong. He went right up to Charlie and started macking it to her. So after she asked why we had the camera in her face. I told her we interested in shooting her for Bangbros. She didn t hesitate and came with us back to my apartment. I was glad she was down for getting nasty with us because this MILF is smoking hott! As soon as we got to the apartment she started grabbing Connor and having her way with him, stroking his cock till it was rock hard, and rubbing her tits while she sucked him off. This was one hell of an experience for all of us. I have to give it to my boy Connor for pulling a Smoking hot milf!

  • 00:00:00
  • Sep 17, 2008
  • 466


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