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office hours jerk session with ms. darryl hanah - jerk off instructions

It is time for an awkward conversation with your professor about a recent assignment. You were meant to write a short story, but your professor Ms. Hanah feels that your subject matter was inappropriate. You wrote an erotic novel and you are proud of it. The main character in your story was based on Ms. Hanah and she figured it out. Whoops. She is concerned that if anyone else reads this story, she might be questioned about inappropriate activity with you, her student. You confess that the story was based on her and, although somewhat flattered, she is still concerned. Ms. Hanah actually enjoyed your story, but she now wishes to turn the tables on you. That should give her a little leverage, right? Well, now is your chance to show off to her. She will not get you off, but she is quite happy to watch you work your own dick over nice and hard right there in her office. She tells you to take your dick out and she then sees that you are already hard for her. You step closer to her and she

  • 00:10:59
  • May 25, 2024
  • 49


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