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a valentine for mike

This is it people. You ve been asking, and we ve been listening to your questions. Here it is, the site that answers one of the biggest questions that has been asked since the beginning of Porn. If we matched up a Porn Star with an average Joe what would happen? Well that’s what we just did for you. First meet the regular guy Mike. He s from Ecuador. He says he does real estate but we all know he means landscaping. We matched him up with a hot young up in coming Porn star from California. Her name is Angelina Valentine, and she LOVES to eat ass. We put them on a dream date full of fun activities like paintball shooting and lunch at a nearby cafe, to give the guy the ultimate opportunity. If we put them together can they get along? Can a regular guy put the moves on a Porn Star and sweep her off her feet. But most of all we want to know CAN HE SCORE ?

  • 00:00:00
  • Dec 11, 2008
  • 228


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