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at home testing

Sarai Minx welcomed nurse Johnny into her house hoping to get a simple covid test. However, Johnny had other things in mind. Upon seeing her perfect tits, he decided to take a closer look. Eventually, he even persuaded her to take off her top. Fed up with his obvious attempt to hit on her she demanded her covid test. Sarai was told to close her eyes and open wide. This is when Johnny took the opportunity to shove his cock in her mouth. At first she was shocked and taken a back. However, her frown quickly turned into a smile when she saw his cock. She decided to take him to her bedroom for the real fun to begin. Her tight pussy took cock in several different positions making her cum multiple times. Finally she got what she most wanted, a huge load all over her face.

  • 00:35:24
  • Feb 17, 2022
  • 1066


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