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happy endings on the bus!

Check this! This Bang Bus update is all about Hialeah. I did a little research and it seems that Hialeah s got kind of a bad rap. So Shaggy and I hit the streets to find out what people think. On our Journey we ran into quite a few people, like a group high school students, a hooker, and a hot little massage therapist. It was very interesting what people had to say especially the therapist. Her name was Kittie and we picked her up in Hialeah! She was cool and she loved massaging Ramon s giant cock! Even though she couldn t fit it in her mouth. It was definitely a good time watching her get fucked by it! I know Ramon had a good time! Kittie took it like a champ, and she was immediately returned to a parking lot in some random area! LOL Preston

  • 00:00:00
  • Feb 03, 2009
  • 205


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