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stroking my small dick for cameron dee - jerk off instructions

It is unusual for Cameron to bring home a guy she just met at a club, but you have been chosen tonight. She is not into random hook-ups, but she is really horny tonight. She suspects that you might have a fat cock and she wants to see it. You pull it out for her and you can see her disappointment immediately. If you stroke it, maybe it will get bigger. She exposes her titties and you stroke yourself hard, but she remains unimpressed. You will not be having sex with Cameron tonight, but she is willing to help get you off using her sexy body and voice. At least she is not very rude about it...she is more of a tease than a mean bitch, and you find this quite appealing. Cameron knows you are almost ready to cum and she is pleased that you offered her a nice load, but she is going to go now and look for a big dick to satisfy her.

  • 00:06:59
  • May 10, 2024
  • 22


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