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photographing and jacking it to my step daughter brooklyn chase - jerk off instructions

Your step daughter Brooklyn knows what a great photographer you are and she wants a few new photos for her Facebook page. Can you take a few photos for her to use? Of course you will. You snap a few and then she removes her pony tail. Then she plays with her glasses before she takes them off as well. Could you take a few others just for her? She sits down and you snap off a few more pictures. You never realized how pretty your step daughter is before and when she asks you to take a few pictures without her top on, you do not hesitate. This is a pretty girl and her body is sexy as hell. She slides off her shorts and she now is wearing only her bra and panties. This could be a bad situation if someone walked in on the two of you. At least she is 18, though. You don t mind if I take my bra off, do you, step-daddy? she asks. You nearly drop the camera, but you keep going. By this time your dick is totally hard and Brooklyn now notices. She thinks that she can help you, so she tells you t

  • 00:10:19
  • May 08, 2024
  • 27


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