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hailey is shocked and aroused

This week we got an unlikely talent to come in and do a Monsters of Cock shoot. Her name is Hailey James; she s 21 years old and a pretty hot gal from Ohio. Apparently, she was new to the industry, just a couple of weeks actually. But that’s not the interesting part; the interesting part is that she never did a boy girl scene. Hailey s only ever done girl on girl movies. She told me she wanted to get fucked by a cock on set for the first time, but not by any old cock, she wanted a Monster-sized cock to stretch her pussy. So I called my homeboy Castro who was in town this week to come and quench her pussy thirst. When she got a good look at the size of his cock, she was in shock and aroused at the same time. She quickly put it in her mouth and got to work sucking his cock. Castro slammed her good on the couch, spread her legs and drilled her wet pussy until she came several times. Hailey even swallowed some cum. After this episode she decided cock was for her. Enjoy!

  • 00:00:00
  • Apr 28, 2008
  • 393


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