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wet, wild & fucked

Tony heads over to a cafe near his neighborhood to get some coffee, but before he can even step a foot in the place Tony notices a hot sexy blonde sitting all by herself outside on the patio. He heads over to her table to sit down without hesitation sparking a conversation with this sexy chick, coming to find out her name is Shawna and she s just arrived from L.A. not too long ago after being dumped by her boyfriend on her B-Day leaving her no choice but to leave so she can get away for awhile. They seemed to hit it off fairly well bringing a smile to her face once he got her kinky side going and decided to bring her back to his place so they can get better acquainted. Once they got to Tony s they headed straight to the shower to cool off a bit, he couldn t contain himself any longer, pulling her nice tits out playing with them whispering in her ears making her hornier by the second then she got down on her knees and started to suck his cock like there no tomorrow. Tony returned the favor by eating her pussy out licking the clit repeatedly then gave her what she wanted, fucking her doggy style pounding that pussy as the shower sprinkled down on her sexy body making her scream as he drove his cock inside her tight pink pussy. There s so much more to this shower fuck fest you have to watch for yourself, you ll be amazed what she does at the end, I sure was. Check it out, Enjoy!

  • 00:00:00
  • Aug 09, 2009
  • 212


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