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jersey snatch w/ eve evans

Ever fucked a Puerto Rican from Jersey? Her name is Eve Evans and she s a cutie with a booty. She s Puerto Rican and sexy as hell. Lately Preston has been giving his friends a chance to splash some sploose on the new girls and today Frenchy is in the house. Preston is taking a strictly directors point of view on this one. After a little flirting and getting to know eachother he asks Eve if she would be willing to play around a bit and she agrees. He pulls out the famous glass dildo and she gets excited pulling her cute panties to the side to slide it in real proper like. Frenchy enters and immediately wants a piece so she looks his way and starts to suck his dick right there! After a lil sucky sucky the game starts. She fucks like a champ I must say. Watching that plump ass bounce up and down is a sight to see. Enjoy!!

  • 00:34:21
  • Apr 05, 2010
  • 116


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