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room service

The service industry is a real hard industry to work in. Specially because we demand so much of them. But when Missy Blue orders herself a Monster Cock from room service she gets more that she bargained for. At her door she finds John E Depth, who is ready to give her his monster size meat injection. Even though she knew she was getting a monster cock, she is overwhelm when he actually takes it out. It bigger and thicker than she had imagine, and can t control herself and shoves it in her mouth. She suck on that humongous cock till she couldn t take the anticipation of having it inside her tight box. John E Depth fucked her every way possible, its hard to imagine being able to put such a large cock in such a tiny girl. Sit back and enjoy some Monster size Room Service.

  • 00:00:00
  • Dec 18, 2006
  • 258


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