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a maid for your masturbation s!

It turns out that it s not only for entertainment s sake that Lucy likes to dress up in this maid uniform, but also a little bit out of professional pride. She actually once worked in America for a summer as an au-pair, cleaning a family house and taking care of the . While she was there, she had a torrid summer fling with one of the neighborhood boys who lived down the street. The maid outfit really got him fired up! It was like living a sexual fantasy for him, she says.Lucy wanted to go back to the US this summer, she said, and the family was happy to have her back - what red-blooded household in the States wouldn t be? - but the problem was that her visa application was denied. Maybe next time she should send a picture of herself in this outfit along with her visa application, no?

  • 00:13:35
  • Jul 13, 2002
  • 25


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