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babes horny goes off the richter!

This girl is getting more and more professional! She plays well for the camera and loves being a model for us. This time Erzsebet has brown hair and it seems to suit her quite amazingly! Erzsébet was really hot at the shoot and she just kept wanting more! Perhaps the new hair boosted up her horny ways! She was definately interested in doing everything we had planned for her. She even offered to pose nude out on the streets!! She told us, that recently, she has been dreaming of having sex in a restaurant full of people, tied down to the four legs of the table, and getting fucked by 4 or 5 men. She also said that she has been much more sexual, never willing to stop making love. When you are watching her in this set, you can feel her desires. Seriously, check that stuff out!

  • 00:12:09
  • Oct 24, 2006
  • 113


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