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don t tell step-mom jerk session - amber rayne - joi

Amber is confused about her feelings for you, her stepfather. You gave her friend a beer, but you worked out a deal with her not to tell. Amber is angry because you have never given her a beer or any special attention, for that matter. She wants the same attention that you gave her friend. After all, her friend got to taste your load, so why can t Amber taste it, too? This girl definitely has some step-daddy issues. As Amber yells at you, you find yourself becoming turned on. She confesses that she has had dirty thoughts about you, so you think that this is a great opportunity for a little fun for you. Amber tells you that you should start to stroke your cock and she even tells you a little about how she gives a blowjob. She removes her tiny bra and then she slides down her panties to reveal her hairless kitty. When she tells you that her cunt is really fucking tight, you almost fall off the bed. You had no clue that she was such a dirty talking girl. She tells you that she is a cock

  • 00:10:51
  • Apr 15, 2024
  • 88


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