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visiting my step-aunt : part ii

My step-aunt apparently knew that I was in her closet watching her squirt, and she comes into the living room to give me a little talk about spying. I know I shouldn t be spying, and I can t believe she knew I was there! But, she is actually really cool about it and tells me she ll help drain my balls so I m not so horny all the time. My step-aunt takes off her robe to show off her big MILF boobs in a sexy white bra, then crawls between my legs to start jerking me until I get hard for her. My step-aunt uses plenty of lube and spit to get me right to the edge, then she ruins my orgasm and removes her hand so I shoot cum onto my stomach. Again, she jerks me until I am almost cumming, and again she ruins my orgasm and I spurt cum but get no real orgasm. She repeats this a third time, then, when I am so on edge I can t stand it, she jerks me and keeps jerking as I cum, although she has already drained me dry. This ll be a secret between us, she tells me, and she promises she won t tell my

  • 00:10:30
  • Jan 31, 2024
  • 52


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