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sharing is caring - gf shares bf with her horny desperate stepmom in hot 3some - mypervyfamily -

Girls are crazy. No I m serious, hear me out! My foxy little vixen Kira brings me home to meet her stepmom Abby. Abby seems a little over enthusiastic to meet me, hugs, smiles & all kinds of eyes. Whatever. Kira wants me to go to start a movie - which is code for put something loud on so we can fuck. We re getting it on, I m tearing up her little pussy but she says she has to leave for a minute. Turns out her stepmom was curious about black guys. Not like what our experiences are navigating this cultural matrix or anything like that, but you know... my cock. The stereotype is true, at least in my case. You can tell how excited my girlfriend s stepmom is when they come back in the room together. They share my dick, each taking a side & licking the shaft. We strip down Abby and I enter her with my big black cock, she starts creaming up right away. They make sure to take turns, sharing my fat meat as they lick each other s pussies. They make a great team, both of them taking turns

  • 00:30:37
  • Jan 30, 2024
  • 115


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