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rainboot babe relaxin the footsies!

Virginee is no virgin, but she does have a tight, firm, young body! Add to that an AMAZING rack and a patch of hair between her legs that is so well manicured that you just know the garden in between is completely pristine! Enjoy this hot legs and feet set as she comes in wearing some really sexy pink fishnets and red rain boots! I can tell you one thing, men all over the world will be sending her some candy rain after seeing this hot number!She undresses herself one boot at a time and gives a nice spread open shot of her treasury box. Following that she takes that last boot off and gives it a nice long wiff! Mmmm, her feet must smell like roses! Pantyhose come off and she fiddles with her gorgeous twat while sucking and licking her sweaty foot! Goodness!

  • 00:19:10
  • Feb 08, 2006
  • 154


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