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flashing dick for short haired, tattooed emo girl with glasses

I noticed this hot short haired, tattooed emo girl heading towards her car. I pulled up into the parking spot next to hers and whipped out my hog. I started stroking it, hoping she would notice. And she did. Luckily she wasn t put off by it. She engaged in conversation with me and my dick got even harder. I asked her if she could stick around to watch me finish and she did. What a nice person, she is. So giving. It did not take long for me to blast a hot load all over my abs. She leaned into my car window and appreciated every last drop. She then went on her merry way and I hiit up the local diner to reward myself with pancakes. Life is good.

  • 00:03:05
  • Mar 15, 2020
  • 107


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