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niche parade - hotel maid watching me jerk off

I had a hell of a day today. So many meetings, so much drama... I decided to have some fun while at my hotel room. I called the front desk and asked them to send up a housekeeper so she can freshen up my room. They said she d be right on the way. In the meantime, I took off all of my clothes and started jerking off on the bed. Weird, right? That s kind of what I do. I m like those guys that drive around and flash their dick at strangers, but instead I flash my dick to hotel maids haha. There was a knock on the door. I didn t respond. The help let herself in. She was a bit surprised when she saw me naked, but she remained professional. She told me she was here to take out the trash and I told her to carry on. I then asked her to watch me. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don t. In this case, I was lucky. The pretty Latin employee took time out of her busy day to indulge me and my fetish. It did not take long for me to cum.

  • 00:03:06
  • Mar 10, 2020
  • 205


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