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helpin her in more ways than one

Got a call from my sup that the AC went out in one of the hotel rooms and I needed to get on it ASAP. I got in the elevator and headed up, when I got to the room. I couldn t believe who opened it. This BIG THICC BOOTIED BEAUTY. She let me inside and as she turned to walk away I couldn t help, but focus on the booty shorts she had on, her ass was just eating them things up. I got the AC fixed and just out of curiosity had to know why she was in Vegas, she told me, and that was that, before I could leave she also let me know she came to Vegas for some fun and hadn t gotten any yet. well, let me just say her ac isn t the only thing I ENDED UP FIXING

  • 00:23:26
  • Oct 24, 2022
  • 142


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