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breanne benson takes over!

Hey there ladies and gents Preston here bringing you this weeks bangbus update.Today we have the beautiful Breanne Benson with us and she is an up an comer but she is so damn hot that I had to make an exception for her,So we go over what she had to do and how she needs to seduce and bring these guys Into the bus and off she goes.This girl is a natural I tell ya she went out there and handled them dudes showing off all of her ASSets and these dudes could not say no to her I mean would you? lets be real here this girl is smoking hot.The guys that came in were all talk at first but when things got real some showed up to the show and some didn t, all in all this was a good update with a hot up and comer and I know you guys will love it,Stay tuned!

  • 00:58:39
  • Sep 06, 2011
  • 1126


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